EIS - One

Children are told from the age of five, “You have to go to college,” “If you don’t go to college you won’t get a job.” But no one shares what makes a good foundation for college, what is the best preparation for college, what will college prepare me for and what other advice could be given to a student. To answer these questions I performed an experiment by asking a group of people successful in their career what the answers are to these and the many other questions kids my age have about college and the preparation that we can do now.

I developed a hypothesis, interviewed participants, drew conclusions based on the information gathered and formed a theory. I spoke to participants about how they viewed their own educational experience, what and who influenced their education and what they believed to be the best advice they could give to a student. Participants were unaware of all questions asked prior to being interviewed.

I was amazed to find that preparation prior to college was not a common factor for all. In fact, most had not prepared themselves at all. Also, all participants attended a college in the same state as their high school. One thing that surprised me was the limited advice when asked, “What advice would you give someone in preparing for education & life after high school.” Most responses were simply college, there is no other choice and to focus on my grades. Only one expressed to keep an open mind. All but one believed that a summer program would give me exposure to different options and be helpful to me.

I have determined that the cultural values a person has does influence ones view on education. That a solid foundation in high school and the preparation you do before college will lead to a positive and fulfilling overall educational experience. And in the end education is a commitment for life.

I have made three personal observations that participants did not mention and have not been included in my conclusion. One, to be a well-rounded person not only includes exposing yourself to different opportunities but also serving your community. Although, I have not graduated from college and I am still a student I believe to be a productive member of society that you benefit from, we as a society must show kindness to those around us. Second, that education should teach you how to think and to think critically. I view my education not just as facts and formulas, but how can and does this information apply to life. Third, to enjoy my education and that life is about balance. Education is important, it will provide you opportunities but I hope that having an education will also give me the necessary life skills for life after college.

Educational Impact Survey

Education is influenced by cultural values; family friends, and society.  A solid foundation in high school will provide a positive and fulfilling college experience with many opportunities.  A college education will provide the opportunity to fulfill career and life goals.  Concluding that preparation is the key to success; education is the first step.

Controlled experiment:                Controller  →  scientists/interviewer
                                                      Variable  →  college education

Observations:                                    Participants  →  standard set of questions asked
                                                                Conducted face to face interviews
·         Attending private or public high school was not a factor in attending college
·         Participants who attend a private high school expressed being more prepared for college compared to those who attend public high school who expressed that in general they were not offered enough opportunities for exploring college options
·         Participants expressed their top reason for attending their college of choice and the influence for this decision was money, family, friends and self
·         Two common answers were provided in how participants prepared for college; none and grade point
·         On average participants rated their college experience as 5 out of 10; that although it was a good experience there were life skills college did not prepare them for: marriage, reality education continues, corporate dynamics and study skills
·         When participants were asked why they choose their career responses ranged from registration options to family, self, and only option and that they were influenced by teachers and family
·         All participants confirmed they are still continuing their education and stressed that continuing education is vital
·         All but one participant agreed that a summer program exposing a student to different options and opportunities would be a positive experience and that any education is good
·         When asked what advice they could give to a young person in preparing for college responses included keep an open mind and never set limits, choose your future with passion and not for money, become well rounded, and research college options


Education is influenced by cultural values; family, friends, and society.  Preparation is the key to a positive educational experience.  A solid foundation in high school will provide the basis for a fulfilling college experience; preparation is the key.  Concluding that education is a commitment for life.

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